









Sekilas Tentang KEHUTANAN


The early establishment of Faculty of Forestry began when Faculty of Agriculture opened a new Department namely Department of Forestry in August 18, 1963 or one year after the establishment of Faculty of Agriculture of Hasanuddin University Forestry Department opened in co-operation of Faculty of Agriculture Hasanuddin University with Faculty of Agriculture University of Indonesia (currently known as Institut Pertanian Bogor-IPB) on the initiative of Ir. Fachruddin who at that time served as Vice Dean II of Faculty of Agriculture. This cooperation was also entwined with Forestry Department of South Sulawesi Province that was willing to be lectures at once manage Forestry Department. Ir. W.H. Hutadjulu, a staff of Forestry Department, who later became the first Chairman of Department of Forestry. The first lecture was first conducted in Gedung Balai Penelitian Pertanian in Jalan Ratulangi, Makassar.  Besides, lectures were also conducted at Hasanuddin University of Baraya and School of Forestry Police (Jalan Elang) which was at that time headed by F. Warouw. The number of students of forestry were about 10 students and initial activities of higher education of forestry science in Unhas used the areas of forest of Malino forest and forest of Borisallo Pabrik Kertas Gowa as the field practice sites.

At the beginning of its development, students of Forestry Department who had completed bachelor program continued their studies to IPB Bogor in 1968 and was appointed as regular assistant. They were Sampe Bunga Paembonan, Baharuddin Mappangadja, Mappatoba Sila, and Baharuddin Nurkin. In the same year, Mas’ud Junus who has been completing his study at the Faculty of Forestry IPB Bogor was appointed as the teaching staff and at the same time served as Chairman of the Department of Forestry replacing Ir. W.H. Hutadjulu. Faculty of Forestry was established based on Surat Dirjen Dikti Number : 483/D/T/2006 December 18, 2006 on the Approval of the Development of Department of Forestry became Faculty of Forestry and Environment, and the Rector’s Decree No. 440/H4/2007 March 14, 2007 on the Establishment of Faculty of Forestry. Faculty of Forestry is a development from the Department of Forestry University of Hasanuddin which historically was established on August 18, 1963, a year after the establishment of Faculty of Agriculture.

Based on the decision of the Dirjen Dikti No. 108/Deikti/Kep./1984, in 1984 Department of Forestry then experienced the management hence it has two study program, namely Study Program of Management and Forest Cultivation and Study Program of Forest Products Technology. In 1996, Study Program of Management and Forest Cultivation changed the name into Study Program of Forest Management based on Surat Keputusan Dirjen Dikti No. 234/Dikti/Kep./1996. Until the development of Forestry Department to Faculty of Forestry, both Study Programs remained as the main pillar providing education, research, and public service in the field of forestry at University of Hasanuddin.

Eleven years later after the Keputusan Dirjen Dikti Departemen Pendidan Nasional No. 163/Dikti/Kep/2007 about the Structuring and Codification of Study Program at the University, Faculty of Forestry has only one department and one study program namely Study Program of Forestry. Faculty of Forestry has a determination to be willing to coalesce and grow with society and environment as well as play a role in the development of science and technology to realize the management of forests and forest products that is the demand of global environment based on principal cultural treasures, critical review, tough-diligent-tenacious and uphold honesty and responsibility.


Community Service of Forestry Study Program includes eight areas of interest, namely Forestry Planning and Information System, Watershed Management, Forestry Policy and Entrepreneurial, forestry, Tree Silviculture and Physiology, Forest Resource Conservation and Ecotourism, Biotechnology and Tree Improvement, Forest Harvesting, and Utilization and Processing of Forest Products. In developing service, the Forestry Study Program has established cooperation with various parties namely government, private or international cooperation.


Becomes "The Center of Excellence for the Development of Human Resources and Science and Forestry and the Environment with an insight into the maritime continent of Indonesia"


The mission of the Faculty of Forestry is an elaboration of the vision formulated by emphasizing the implementation of the three tridharma activities of higher education:

1. Carrying out quality education to produce graduates who are professionals in the forestry field
2. Develop innovative forestry science and technology in answering local and global problems.
3. Disseminating and implementing forestry science and technology for community welfare and environmental sustainability.

Faculty Strategic Objectives

Based on the 2016-2020 Strategic Plan and Unhas 2030 Development Plan (RPJP), the identity of the Faculty of Forestry such as Vision, Mission, and Values ​​as stated above operationally aims to:

1. Produce Knowledgeable and Characterless Human Resources.
    Develop science and technology based on the Indonesian Maritime Continent (BMI).
2. Application and Dissemination of Science and Technology for the Prosperity of the Indonesian Maritime Continent
3. Increasing International Reputation.
    Realizing Modern and Environment-friendly Campus Governance.

Quality policy

Hasanuddin University's Faculty of Forestry is strongly committed to satisfying the needs of customers / stakeholders by implementing an ISO 9001: 2008 Quality Management System, through continuous improvement. To achieve this goal, management will:

2. Increase customer (student) satisfaction through improving the quality of administrative activities and adequate academic services;
3. Providing personnel / employees with appropriate qualifications and competencies to provide optimal contributions to the administration of administrative activities and academic services;
4. Improving the quality and management of institutions through improving work procedures and organizational governance towards efficiency and effectiveness;
5. Increasing cooperation with related institutions as part of developing and improving the quality of the organization and promotion of the organization;
6. Providing appropriate facilities and infrastructure to support administrative activities and academic services;
7. Improving records management in supporting accountability of administrative activities and academic services.

Forestry Study Program produces graduates with characteristics of PT Hasanuddin University, i.e. having the ability of creative and innovative thinking, have integrity in the forest management as well have environmental insight on the maritime continent region; and have programmatic of eco-technopreneur in the field of forestry. They are expected to be:

  1. Professional manager in the field of forest management where graduates have capabilities of leadership, managerial, and responsibility in utilization, rehabilitation and conservation of forests in order to improve forest productivity, maintaining the sustainability of the benefits and functions of forests as well as the processing forest products either directly or indirectly.
  2. Junior researcher where graduates have sensitivity to forest resource issues and be able to investigate and develop innovation in solving problems in the field of forestry either independently or in a group.
  3. Facilitator in the field of forestry where graduates have the knowledge, will and ability to communicate in order to make the public aware and inspires their perception of the benefits and functions of forests either directly or indirectly; and be able to arouse people’s interest to participate in the forest management and maintain the forest sustainability.
  4. Forestry entrepreneur with environmental concept (Eco-techopreneur) where graduates have the entrepreneurial capabilities in the field of forestry both on a large scale or small scale; and be able to develop innovation in forest concessions ranging from planning, management, processing of forest products, as well as the utilization of environmental services.